claro pay

A strategic move into the fintech sector by Claro, the leading telecommunications company in Latin America

We've partenered with Claro to launch their Fintech platform in Argentina, giving access to financial services to millions of users who are already consuming their teclo products and services.

The challenge

This venture focused on developing a scalable, user-friendly front-end and UI system designed to manage millions of users and set itself apart through distinctive design.

Emphasizing a robust infrastructure for both mobile and web applications, the project aimed to ensure a seamless user experience and secure data management.

As the first step, we focused on forking Claro's brand identity to create a product with new positioning, while still retaining elements traditional to the company.

A scalable UI and front-end system integrated with Storybook

In the development phase, the team established a scalable design system for both UI and front-end, integrating Storybook as a key component of this strategy.

This system was designed to support the rapid evolution and scaling of the platform, ensuring consistency and efficiency across the development process. By leveraging Storybook, the team effectively cataloged UI components, which facilitated a collaborative and iterative design approach.

This integration was crucial in maintaining a cohesive visual language and user experience as the platform expanded, making it possible to accommodate a growing user base while adhering to high standards of design and functionality.

Crafting the optimal architectural strategy

We adopted a Universal App approach, enabling us to maximize code reuse across both web and mobile applications. This strategy not only streamlined development processes but also ensured consistency in user experience across different devices.
For the web application, we leveraged Progressive Web App (PWA) technology, enhancing the desktop experience with app-like features such as offline capability and push notifications, thereby bridging the gap between web and native mobile functionalities.
Furthermore, to assist Claro in elevating their Know Your Customer (KYC) success rates, we implemented a cutting-edge solution utilizing AWS Rekognition and AWS Lambda, coupled with optical character recognition technology.


Our partnership yielded remarkable results, demonstrating the effectiveness and user satisfaction of the app.

The app experienced significant downloads, reaching 500,000 in one year.
Both the iOS and Android versions experienced a substantial boost in ratings. With more than 15,000 reviews, the app now boasts an impressive +4 rating points on both platforms.

This positive feedback highlights the enhanced user experience and functionality, underscoring the success of the project in delivering value to its users and establishing a strong presence in the digital payments market.

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