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Your business design partner.
Design and test your business model and value proposition for a simple monthly fee.

Stop making Google Sheet business plans and start colliding your idea with the real world.
Bussines Design Partner
Start bulding your product $$$

What do we do? We help visionaries and innovators to design and validate their business models and product ideas before investing huge ammounts of money and time on them.

Market research. Gather and analyze data to understand the market landscape and identify: target, competitors, regulatory landscape, trends and more.
Design value proposition and business model. Define how the service/product will deliver value to customers and how it will be structured to ensure profitability and sustainability.
Map and prioritize business hypothesis. List, describe, and prioritize all the assumptions underlying the business model.
Design value proposition and business model. Define how the service/product will deliver value to customers and how it will be structured to ensure profitability and sustainability.
Analyze evidence and decide. We analyze the evidence together to understand whether it is worth investing in, iterating, or discontinuing the project.
Business Shifts (for existing business models). Explore new oportunities within the business by creating new branchs specifically for testing one or more innovative business models to capture new market opportunities or address unmet customer needs.
Market research. Gather and analyze data to understand the market landscape and identify: target, competitors, regulatory landscape, trends and more.
Design value proposition and business model. Define how the service/product will deliver value to customers and how it will be structured to ensure profitability and sustainability.
Map and prioritize business hypothesis. List, describe, and prioritize all the assumptions underlying the business model.
Run experiments to gather empirical evidence. Conduct real tests selecting from our list of over 50 experiments. The goal is to validate or discard the most crucial assumptions identified on the hypothesis map.
Analyze evidence and decide. We analyze the evidence together to understand whether it is worth investing in, iterating, or discontinuing the project.
Business Shifts (for existing business models). Explore new oportunities within the business by creating new branchs specifically for testing one or more innovative business models to capture new market opportunities or address unmet customer needs.

What will you get? Our approach ensures not just theoretical strategies but practical, actionable steps tailored to your unique vision.

Your idea translated into a business model
A designed value proposition
A clear understanding of who are your potential customers
A de-risked idea and business model
Validate if your idea solves an existing problem
Pitch deck with a non-typical and data driven story telling
Increase chances of raising funds if your idea gains traction
Save time and money
Access to world-class educational content about building and launching a product or service

Who benefits from us? Anyone seeking to launch a product or service.

Startups & solopreneurs
90% of entrepreneurs fail because they build a product that no one needs. De-risk your idea with us and avoid being one of them.
Help your startup batches to reduce risk, accelerate the path to product-market fit, and optimize their ruwnay.
Big companies
Stop spending budget on initiatives that don't work and transform your team into entrepreneurs ready to launch products that add new revenue streams.

Real cases that have messed up. No matter your track record, no one is exempt from making common mistakes.


Subscription plans. Pick a plan that resonates most with your personal or business needs.

We provide you with the tools so you can run the process on your own, but with our support.
1-1 Coaching sessions
Private Slack channel
Process boosted with AI
Access to world-class business model frameworks and tools used by Fortune 500 companies.
Pause or cancel anytime
We support you through every stage of the process and assist with its execution.
1-1 Coaching sessions
Private Slack channel
Process boosted with AI
Access to world-class business model frameworks and tools used by Fortune 500 companies.
Support squad (product specialists, business deisngers, researcher)
Help for building the experiments (Ads, landing pages, interviews, and more)
Kit starter pack
Market research assistant
Access to our networking with VCs and Accelerators
Pause or cancel anytime
Already have a validated business model or idea?
Our team has built over 100 projects for the best brands in LATAM.
Product definition and features prioritization
Product Design
Product Development
Release plan

Frequently asked questions

What happen if my idea or business model doesn't work?
What happen if I want to cancel the plan?
What happen if my idea or business model works?
Are we going to build a product?
How many time do I need to validate my idea?