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Your business design partner.
Design and test your business model and value proposition for a simple monthly fee.

Stop making Google Sheet business plans and start colliding your idea with the real world.
Marc Randolph (Netflix Founder)
Nobody knows anything. True of Silicon Valley, true of anywhere innovation takes places.

No one knows if your idea will work or not before you collide it with reality and try it out. So start testing today.

What do we do? We help visionaries and innovators to design and validate their business models and product ideas before investing huge ammounts of money and time on them.

Market research. Gather and analyze data to understand the market landscape and identify: target, competitors, regulatory landscape, trends and more.
Design value proposition and business model. Define how the service/product will deliver value to customers and how it will be structured to ensure profitability and sustainability.
Map and prioritize business hypothesis. List, describe, and prioritize all the assumptions underlying the business model.
Run experiments to gather empirical evidence. Conduct real tests selecting from our list of over 50 experiments. The goal is to validate or discard the most crucial assumptions identified on the hypothesis map.
Analyze evidence and decide. We analyze the evidence together to understand whether it is worth investing in, iterating, or discontinuing the project.
Business Shifts (for existing business models). Explore new oportunities within the business by creating new branchs specifically for testing one or more innovative business models to capture new market opportunities or address unmet customer needs.

What will you get? Our approach ensures not just theoretical strategies but practical, actionable steps tailored to your unique vision.

Your idea translated into a business model
A designed value proposition
A clear understanding of who are your potential customers
A de-risked idea and business model
Validate if your idea solves an existing problem
Pitch deck with a non-typical and data driven story telling
Increase chances of raising funds if your idea gains traction
Save time and money
Access to world-class educational content about building and launching a product or service

Who benefits from us? Anyone seeking to launch a product or service.

Startups & solopreneurs
90% of entrepreneurs fail because they build a product that no one needs. De-risk your idea with us and avoid being one of them.
Help your startup batches to reduce risk, accelerate the path to product-market fit, and optimize their ruwnay.
Big companies
Stop spending budget on initiatives that don't work and transform your team into entrepreneurs ready to launch products that add new revenue streams.

Rreal cases that have messed up. No matter your track record, no one is exempt from making common mistakes.

Founder: Justin Kan
Track record: Founder of Twich, exited for $970 MM
Money and time lost: $ 75MM in 36 months
Reason: lack of problem validation
Atrium was a hybrid legal software and law firm. Like many other startups, Atrium’s ambition was to disrupt an industry. In this case – the well-established in terms of processes (and rather conservative) legal industry.
Learn more
Founder: Jeffrey Katzenberg
Track record: former chairman of Disney, co-founder and CEO of Dreamworks
Money and time lost: $ 1.8 Billion in 24 months
Reason: lack of desirability validation
Quibi was Netflix for your phone. For $5 with ads or $8 without ads per month, you got access to a library of video content specifically made to be watched on mobile devices - mostly fictional series, but also news shows and recaps called daily essentials as well as reality shows, etc.
Learn more
Founders: Milind Sharma, Navneet Singh
Money and time lost: $ 51.2 MM in 24 months
Reason: lack of viability fit in their business model
PepperTap provided online shopping platform that addressed customers' need to buy groceries from local markets by delivering the goods to their doorsteps. It targets buyers from different groups of cities, divided into three tiers.
Learn more

Subscription plans. Pick a plan that resonates most with your personal or business needs.

We provide you with the tools so you can run the process on your own, but with our support.
1-1 Coaching sessions
Private Slack channel
Process boosted with AI
Access to world-class business model frameworks and tools used by Fortune 500 companies.
Pause or cancel anytime
We support you through every stage of the process and assist with its execution.
1-1 Coaching sessions
Private Slack channel
Process boosted with AI
Access to world-class business model frameworks and tools used by Fortune 500 companies.
Support squad (product specialists, business deisngers, researcher)
Help for building the experiments (Ads, landing pages, interviews, and more)
Kit starter pack
Market research assistant
Access to our networking with VCs and Accelerators
Pause or cancel anytime
Already have a validated business model or idea?
Our team has built over 100 projects for the best brands in LATAM.
Product definition and features prioritization
Product Design
Product Development
Release plan

Frequently asked questions

What happen if my idea or business model doesn't work?

If your idea or business model doesn't yield the expected results, we view this as a crucial learning opportunity. Our approach involves:

- Detailed Analysis: We'll conduct a thorough analysis to understand why the idea or model didn't work. This involves looking at market trends, customer feedback, and competitive landscapes.

- Iterative Improvement: Based on our findings, we'll suggest modifications and improvements. The goal is to refine the idea or model to better align with market needs and potential.

- Continued Support: Our monthly subscription includes ongoing support. We'll work with you to adjust and retest the idea, ensuring you're not left without guidance at any stage.

- Resource Optimization: We focus on minimizing resources (time, money, effort) spent on unviable ideas, helping to redirect them towards more promising avenues.

- Learning Documentation: We document all learnings from the process, which becomes invaluable for future projects and decision-making.

What happen if I want to cancel the plan?

We understand that business needs can change, and we've made the process of canceling your plan straightforward and transparent:

- No Long-Term Commitments: Our monthly subscription plan doesn't require long-term commitments. You have the flexibility to cancel at any time.

- Easy Cancellation Process: To cancel, simply contact us via email or through your client dashboard. We'll guide you through a few quick steps to ensure a smooth cancellation.Feedback Opportunity: While cancellation is hassle-free, we appreciate any feedback you can provide. This helps us improve our services and understand your needs better.

- Handling Ongoing Projects: If you have ongoing projects with us at the time of cancellation, we'll work with you to determine the best course of action. This may involve completing the current phase of work, or providing support to transition the work to your team or another provider.

- No Hidden Fees: There are no hidden fees or penalties for canceling your subscription. Any charges for services already rendered will be prorated accordingly.

- Post-Cancellation Support: Even after cancellation, we're here to answer any questions and provide assistance if needed. Your success is important to us, even if our formal business relationship has ended.

What happen if my idea or business model works?

When your idea or business model shows signs of success, our agency takes several steps to maximize its potential:

- Scalability Planning: We'll work with you to develop a plan for scaling the idea. This includes assessing resources needed, potential market expansion, and strategies for sustainable growth.

- Continuous Optimization: Success doesn't mean the work stops. We continuously analyze and optimize the business model to ensure ongoing success and adapt to market changes.

- Support in Execution: Our team remains hands-on, providing support in implementing the scalability plan. We're here to assist with any challenges that arise as the idea grows.

- Preparing for Future Phases: As your idea grows, new challenges and opportunities will arise. We're ready to assist with next steps, whether it involves new product development, market entry strategies, or diversification.

Are we going to build a product?

Our approach focuses primarily on experimentation and validation, rather than full-scale product development. Here's what you can expect:

- Experimentation-Centric Approach: Our core service revolves around experimenting with ideas and business models. We help validate these concepts through a series of targeted experiments.

Next Steps Post-Experimentation: Depending on the outcomes of these experiments, you may decide to proceed with full product development.

How many time do I need to validate my idea?

The time required to validate an idea can vary significantly depending on various factors. Here's what to consider:

- Complexity of the Idea: Simpler ideas can often be tested and validated more quickly than complex ones. The scope and intricacies of your idea play a significant role in determining the time frame.

Market Dynamics: Market trends and consumer behaviors can impact how quickly we can gather meaningful data. Fast-moving markets might offer quicker validation results, whereas more static markets may require more time.

Experiment Design: The design of the experiment itself influences the timeline. Some experiments can be set up and yield results in a few weeks, while others, especially those requiring more intricate setups or longer user engagement, might take several months.

Iterative Process: Validation is often an iterative process. Initial tests might lead to refinements in the idea, which then require further testing. Each iteration adds to the overall timeline.

Typical Time Frame: While it's challenging to give a one-size-fits-all answer, many ideas can start seeing preliminary validation results within 2-3 months. More comprehensive validation can take longer, especially if multiple iterations are needed.